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Q3, 2023 Investors' Update

Gustas Germanavičius
Q3, 2023 Investors' Update
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Dear investor,

Q3 2023 in numbers

- Number of new investment opportunities: 25;

- Number of unique properties: 9;

- Number of square meters financed: 3,712 m²; 

- Average project return: 9.03%;

- Average investor return: 12.69%;

- Repaid amount of principal investments: EUR 1,447,774;

- Late projects: 0;

- Amount financed: 3,648,787 EUR;

Projects portfolio

During the third quarter of 2023 InRento’s outstanding loans portfolio remained solid, there have been 0 late or defaulted projects and the total amount funded has exceeded EUR 15M (read more in press release). Additionally, a record number of projects were realized and just in Q3 alone more than EUR 1.4M was repaid to investors. Projects that were fully realized were - VT3, Palanga; A19, Vilnius; R3, Vilnius; H4, Vilnius - total average annual return of these realized projects was 16.61% p.a. The full list of fully realized projects can be found here and you can discover full statistics of InRento in our statistics page.

Projects’ in Poland and beyond

As you may already know, InRento has financed a project that was successfully financed and realized in Spain. This year we have introduced the first investment opportunity from Poland - Green 27, Poland, the project is progressing as planned and right now following works have been completed: all windows were replaced and new ones installed, internal electricity, plumbing and sewage works completed. The works of facade refurbishment will be completed next year due to the weather conditions and winter. Once they are completed additional update will be published.

In Q4 we will introduce another investment opportunity from Poland. For the next year we are planning to offer more investment opportunities from Poland and Spain. In the year of 2023 we’ve analyzed thoroughly more than 30 financing applications from abroad and only 2 have passed through our due diligence that offered the right risk / reward ratio for the investors.

Introduction of Grand Sale

With growing volumes we are attracting attention from institutional investors and high net worth individuals to invest in investment opportunities offered on InRento platform.

Considering this, we are very excited to introduce to you a new feature on the InRento platform called “Grand Sale”, which will enable investors to fractionalise sale of Secondary Market into smaller pieces of investments starting from EUR 50,000. Read more about this in this blogpost.

Latest news of Q3

- InRento exceeds EUR 15 million amount funded with 0 late projects

- Some of the people misinterpret the meaning of passive investment

- Interior solutions – how important are they for buy-to-let investors?

- Introducing Grand Sale

- Floating hotel to open in Vilnius – the first of its kind in Lithuania

Kind regards,

Gustas Germanavičius 

CEO and Founder of InRento