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Introducing Grand Sale

Gustas Germanavičius
Introducing Grand Sale
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With growing volumes we are attracting attention from institutional investors and high net worth individuals to invest in investment opportunities offered on InRento platform.

Considering this, we are very excited to introduce to you a new feature on the InRento platform called “Grand Sale”, which will enable investors to fractionalise sale of Secondary Market into smaller pieces of investments starting from EUR 50,000. Investors who invested in a single project stage more than EUR 50,000 in a single investment can contact us with their intention to sell and their investment would be listed in projects page subsection funding at outstanding principal value.  For larger investors this will enable greater liquidity to sell their investments at any time. For all other investors this will create 3 new additional values.

Accrued capital gains
As this will technically work as a Secondary Market sale, investors will obtain the claim rights to accrued capital gains. Let’s take a look at an example.

A larger investor invested EUR 100,000 in a single project with fixed capital gains of 1.5% annually. After a one year has passed technically a 1.5% fixed capital gains have accrued, meaning EUR 1,500 a total has accumulated.

So when an investor would use “Grand Sale” feature, he would transfer the claim rights of EUR 1,500 to multiple investors, so when let’s say an investor would invest EUR 1,000 then he would obtain a right to potential EUR 15 of accrued fixed annual capital gains.

Bearing this in mind, investors when investing via this feature, would earn higher return that they would have invested initially due to the element of time and would potentially earn higher return.

Ability to invest in previous projects

As with everyday a number of new investors is continuously growing, new investors would have a possibility to invest in projects that were funded in the past as the number of Secondary Market offers is typically quite low.

More larger & higher quality investment opportunities

With the ability for us to offer additional liquidity for institutional investors and high net worth individuals, we will be able to offer larger loans for project owners which will, in turn, result in larger and higher quality investment opportunities for all investors on the platform.

Bearing this in mind, we have amended User terms & conditions to reflect this improvement, in order to see the updated User Terms and conditions, click here.