Privacy Policy



This privacy policy (“Policy”) specifies the main conditions of the processing of the personal data of the visitors, newsletter subscribers, clients, their representatives, beneficiaries of the internet website of UAB Inrento (“Inrento” or “we”), as well as the persons having submitted enforcement measures and candidates to the work positions offered by Inrento (“Your”).  .

Your controller is: 


UAB InRento

Legal entity code  


The address of the office

 Kauno g. 22-501, Vilnius, LT-03212, Lithuania 


Processing your data, Inrento, besides, follows General Data Protection Regulation, Republic of Lithuania Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data, Republic of Lithuania Law on Electronic Communications, other applicable legislation and the guidelines and recommendations of the supervisory authorities.

Any other updates of this Policy, if there are such, are always published on the website of Inrento.

In respect of questions relating the protection of your personal data or this Policy, contact us by email.

1. The processing of personal data for the purpose of providing the services of crowdfunding

 1.1. Inrento processes the data of its clients (financers and the owners of the projects), their representatives and the persons ensuring the duties of the clients for the purpose of providing the services of crowdfunding. Providing the services of crowdfunding, Inrento follows the Republic of Lithuania Law on Crowdfunding and the agreements made with the clients (or the persons ensuring duties). 

 1.2. We note too that aiming to appropriately provide the services of crowdfunding, Inrento also processes your data with regards to these purposes: 

  1.2.1. aiming to implement the requirements of the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing (specified in the legislation applied and the domestic policies of Inrento);

  1.2.2. aiming to recover indebtedness to Inrento or with regard to financers (following the agreements made);

  1.2.3. aiming to implement other requirements applicable to the activity of Inrento (specified in the applicable legislation).

 1.3. Inrento processes the following personal data of the clients (their representatives) and the persons ensuring the duties of the clients for certain purposes:

  1.3.1. data confirming personal identity (name, surname, personal identification number, the photo of the person, citizenship, etc.);

  1.3.2. contact data (the address of the place of residence, email address, telephone number, etc.);  

  1.3.3. data about the relationship of the data subject with legal entities (position in the undertaking, data about the participation of a person in the control of legal entities, etc.);

  1.3.4. data used by the client to login in the account in the website of Inrento (the user ID of the client, password, etc.);

  1.3.5. financial data (the creditworthiness of the person, financial obligations, income, data about property, loans, information about the transactions made in the platform of Inrento, their extent, etc.);

  1.3.6. data about the knowledge and experience of the client (financer) in investment area;

  1.3.7. other data which is necessary for providing the services of Inrento;

1.4. Inrento receives the above-mentioned personal data necessary for providing the services of crowdfunding directly from you (when you provide it) or other resources (e. g. state database, such as the administered systems of the state enterprise Centre of Registers, etc.).  

1.5. The above-mentioned personal data is stored for 10 years from the completion of the transaction, submitting a certain application or the day of the completion of the operation, except for the cases when legislation specifies longer terms of storing such data.

2. The processing of personal data for the purpose of administering your enquiries 

 2.1. When you address Inrento (by email, telephone, enquiries via the accounts of social media or in any other way), for the purpose of administering certain enquiries, the data provided by you will be processed, aiming to ensure the quality of the services provided and if there is a need – perform various legal requirements and protect the interests of Inrento.  

 2.2. The reason of the processing of the indicated data is usually the legal interest of Inrento. In some cases the enforcement of legislation can be the reason of the administering of the enquiries submitted by you or administering complaints.

 2.3. While enquiring please follow at least minimal requirements of personal information protection – do not indicate surplus personal data which is not necessary for the purpose, i. e. for stating an enquiry, complaint, letter or request.

 2.4. The data provided by you is typically stored up to 3 years, unless a different period of storing is influenced by such circumstances as necessity to protect the rights and legal interests of Inrento or other persons, solving a complaint or dispute.

3. Processing personal data for the purpose of statistics 

 3.1. Performing the requirements of the law on Crowdfunding, Inrento processes your personal data for statistical purposes (e. g. to reveal the sum of the transactions made in the platform publicly administered by Inrento, the sum of investments, etc.). We note that certain data is processed in the way that no possibility remains to identify a certain data subject (the data is depersonalized).

 3.2. The term of storing personal data for this purpose depends on the requirements of the legislation applied with regard to Inrento, regulating the duty of Inrento to publish statistical data.

4. Processing personal data for the purpose of direct marketing 

 4.1. On the website of Inrento you have a possibility to subscribe newsletters sent by email about the newest projects of crowdfunding published on the website, as well as news concerning the activity of Inrento. We can also contact you via social platforms, telephone, letters or other alternative way in order to inform you about services provided by us and possibilities to invest. 

 4.2. In the above-indicated cases Inrento processes your personal data on the grounds of your consent received by you for the purpose of direct marketing.

 4.3. The period of storing of this personal data is 3 years from the day of receiving your consent, unless such consent is cancelled until the end of the indicated term of storing.

 4.4. Inrento, following the provisions of REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA LAW ON ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS, can also process the data of the current clients (email) for the purpose of direct marketing on the grounds of the legal interest of the company.

 4.5. You have a right to refuse the newsletters sent by Inrento any time clicking the link intended for that at the bottom of the sent newsletters or addressing us in writing (by email

 4.6. Inrento can also perform the profiling of your personal data for the purpose of marketing in order to provide individually adapted to you, more specific and relevant suggestions or solutions. You can cancel you consent to process personal data any time in automated method, including profiling or object it. You can send your refusal regarding data processing in automated way, including profiling or refusal regarding the only applied automated processing method, including profiling (without indicating the reasons of refusal) by our email

5. Processing the personal data of the candidates to employee’ position

 5.1. Inrento processes your personal data (CV, a letter of motivation, etc.) when you provide certain information while applying for the position offered by Inrento. The reason for processing your certain personal data is your consent expressed while providing certain data.

 5.2. The term of storing personal data provided by you depends on the duration of the selection to the certain position performed by Inrento. When certain selection is over, Inrento will process your personal data only in case you express a separate consent regarding that.

 5.3. In case you send your CV, a letter of motivation or other personal data to Inrento on your initiative, when we have not advertised any tender, your certain data can be stored and used for the purposes of further staff selection up to 1 year. Inrento also has a right to receive the data of your CV from the providers of the services of staff selection and job search websites, if you have submitted your data to them.  

 5.4. Sending your personal data to Inrento for the purpose of the vacancies to be performed in the future, please follow at least minimal requirements of personal data protection and do not provide surplus information which does not concern your candidacy.  

6. Cookies used on the Internet website

 6.1. When you visit our website, we can process your IP address, other data provided by your network with the help of cookies and (or) other similar technological solutions.

 6.2. Cookies are small files (data files), sent to the web browser used and stored in your device (computer, telephone, etc.).  With their help our website can “remember” your actions, preferences, operations completed and other actions performed in our website. Cookies are transferred to your computer during the moment of your first browsing in our website.

 6.3. The following cookies are used in our website: 

The name of cookie

Description and type

The moment of designing 

The period of validity

Data used

InRento cookies:    
PHPSESSIDEssential cookies. User session identifier.At project startSessionup to 255 bytes
REMEMBERMEFunctional cookies. Store data for "Remeber me" feature when user login.At project start30 daysup to 255 bytes
affdataFunctional cookies. Represents that user comes to project by an affiliate link.At project start90 daysup to 255 bytes
cookie_notice (local storage)Functional cookies. Represents that user agreed with cookie policy.At project startInfinite1 byte
Third-party services cookies:    
__cfduidAnalytical cookies. Cloudflare user identifier.At project start30 daysup to 255 bytes
_gaAnalytical cookies. Google Analytics user identifier.At project start2 yearsup to 255 bytes
_gidAnalytical cookies. Google Analytics user identifier.At project start24 hoursup to 255 bytes
_gat_gtag_UA_184471090_1Analytical cookies. Google Analytics data.At project start1 minuteup to 255 bytes
click_idFunctional cookies. Represents that user comes to project by an affiliate link.At project start30 daysup to 255 bytes
crisp-client* (name is dynamic)Functional cookies. Crisp chat service identifier.At project start6 months

up to 255 bytes


 6.4. You can find more useful information about cookies, controlling and disabling cookies on the website

7. The recipients of personal data 

 7.1. Performing its activity, Inrento can invoke certain data processors (service providers, e. g. companies providing the services of storing data, designing and maintaining software, debt administration, communication services, etc.), to which your data can be transferred. Your personal data is only transferred and only to the extent to which it is necessary for providing their certain services. For the purpose of opening Account with the Payment Service Provider, InRento will collect and transmit your information and documents to the Payment Service Provider - MANGOPAY SA, company code B173459, registered office address 2, Avenue Amélie, L-1125 Luxembourg. The above information is collected and transmitted for the purpose of preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.

 7.2. Inrento can also provide your personal data to the following data recipients:

  7.2.1. state institutions and registers (the Bank of Lithuania, the Department of Statistics, notaries, courts,  law enforcement institutions, lawyers, etc.);

  7.2.2. the persons administering joint debtors’ data files (e. g., UAB “Creditinfo Lietuva”);

  7.2.3. the providers of payment and other services and financial institutions, the services of which are used by Inrento while performing its activity;

  7.2.4. other institutions, when it is necessary for financial accounting, audit, risk assessment or providing services;

  7.2.5. other third parties concerning providing our services and (or) the ones possessing legal reason to receive this data;

 7.3. in all cases rational effort is made in order to ensure that while implementing the requirements of legislation personal data would not be lost or illegally used;

 7.4. it is not necessary to transfer your personal data to the recipients outside the boundaries of the EU / EEA for performing the activity of Inrento. Nonetheless, if in exceptional cases it would be necessary to transfer your data to the data recipient outside the boundaries of the EU/EEA, Inrento would use one of the safety measures indicated in General Data Protection Regulation and would ensure the safety of this data being transferred.  

8. Your, as data subject’s, rights 

 8.1. You, as data subjects, have the following rights with regard to your personal data:

  8.1.1. to get acquainted with your personal data and the way it is processed;  

  8.1.2. to require to correct incorrect, inexact or non-detailed data;

  8.1.3. to require to delete your personal data; 

  8.1.4. to require to restrict the processing of your personal data;

  8.1.5. to require to transfer your personal data to another data processor or submit directly at your convenience;

  8.1.6. not agree with processing your personal data, if it is processed on the grounds of legal interest;

  8.1.7. to cancel given consent for processing your personal data.

 8.2. Wishing to implement your as data subject’s rights, please contact us in writing (email indicate a certain right, give details of the extent of its implementation, also your contact data (e. g., name, surname, email – using which you registered in our platform, telephone number). If we still need information in order to appropriately analyse your request, we will immediately contact you. We note that your rights, as data subject’s, are implemented in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation and other legislation regulating personal data protection and the guidelines of competent institutions.  

 8.3. If you think that Inrento processes your personal data illegally or infringing your rights concerning processing your personal data, you have a right to address State Data Protection Inspectorate. However, before addressing State Data Protection Inspectorate, we encourage you to firstly immediately contact us (email ). In this way we will be able to find the most operational and optimal to both parties solution to the problem.