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Q2 2024 Investors' Update

Gustas Germanavičius
Q2 2024 Investors' Update
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Dear investors,

I am very excited to announce that in this year’s European Fintech Awards, InRento was recognised as #1 InvestmentTech of 2024! Although we did not even make the shortlist in 2023, during last year we have many major technical updates and improvements that have enhanced users’ experience greatly, the major one being the Grand sale.

I would like to personally thank all of you for trusting us and using our services, because without you we wouldn’t have achieved this.

Premium investors

Delivering on our commitment to innovate and improve the experience of using our platform I’m happy to introduce one new feature called “Premium investors”. A Premium investor is someone whose total investments on InRento platform when a specific investor exceeds EUR 50,000 amount invested in total. As of today, Premium investors will have early access to new investment opportunities before the public financing date. In addition to this, as another sign of our gratification for trust, Premium investors’ Secondary Market fee will be discounted to 1.5% (standard Secondary Market fee is 2%). 

Q2 2024 in numbers

- Number of new investment opportunities: 14;

- Number of square meters financed:  3,673.95 m²; 

- Average investment return: 13.03%;

- Average project return: 9.51%;

- Repaid amount of principal investments: EUR 784,754;

- Late projects: 0;

- Amount financed: EUR 3,886,119;


Since last autumn the general mood in the real estate industry wasn’t very optimistic when EURIBOR rates were nearing 4%, however, with summer sun and decrease of EURIBOR the growing market activity can be seen in general market data and InRento portfolio. In Q2 we have repaid a total of EUR 784,753.61 EUR of investments and seeing the number of preliminary sales agreements being established in outstanding projects, this allows us to expect even stronger investments performance in the remainder of the year.

Different from the stock market, real estate has a unique feature, that it lags to react to mood swings. For instance, last week the US reported lower inflation numbers than expected and this has resulted in same-day market gains on stocks, but for this to be reflected on Real Estate prices and yields will take a bit longer.

Observing our current outstanding portfolio, we can tell that the market currently creates great opportunities for project owners and investors alike because the end-buyers are becoming more active in buying, whereas on the other hand the sellers of large investment properties are not getting the same market reaction for larger assets. What does this mean? It means that large properties that are being sold to be renovated or converted, can have significant discounts which results in more measured business cases with proper risk-reward ratio.

Keeping this in mind, we’ve offered a record-setting number of projects with variable capital gains since 2023, that our investors’ could utilize these “lagging” market conditions. We plan to introduce more projects with variable capital gains in Q3 as well.

Projects portfolio

InRento's outstanding loan portfolio consistently exhibits strong performance, maintaining an impressive record with no late or defaulted projects.

The total investments’ volume in Q2 has exceeded EUR 27,000,000 and total investors’ profit has exceeded EUR 2,000,000. Every month, our investors’ earn more than EUR 140,000 in interest and the number is growing with each day.

Discover full statistics here.

Top performing projects in Q2 – M10 Co-living, Vilnius

Latest news of Q2

– 2023 audited financial accounts. Company's net profit exceeded EUR 170,000

– Compounded interest can increase the value of investments by up to 50%

– Before discussing lower interest rates: assessing the USA context

– Investing shouldn't just be about numbers changing on a screen

– The era of high inflation and interest is coming to an end – what does this mean for investments?

– Key reasons why property market in smaller Lithuanian cities is growing

Kind regards,

Gustas Germanavičius 

CEO and Founder of InRento