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Investors earn 20.19% annually! Apartment of S47, Kaunas sold.

Gustas Germanavičius
Investors earn 20.19% annually! Apartment of S47, Kaunas sold.
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Dear Investors, 

We would like to inform you that Buy-to-let project S47, Kaunas, had 1 out of 2 apartments sold. The total capital gains for the project was 41,000 EUR, of which 18,946 EUR was paid out to the investors. The rest was distributed to the project owner and InRento, as specified in the project terms.

Investors earned an average annualized ROI of 20.19%. Rental income 7.3% (interest), and 12.89% was added as a capital gain. The exact return of the project depends on the amount invested.

Sold properties on InRento platform have generated investors an average of 19.72% net annual return, combining interest from rental income and capital gains.

Keep in mind that the other apartment of this project is still rented out and will continue to generate rental income (interest) for investors.