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Bank of Lithuania report on crowdfunding operators (auto-translated)

Gustas Germanavičius
Bank of Lithuania report on crowdfunding operators (auto-translated)
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The Bank of Lithuania has prepared an overview of the performance of crowdfunding platform operators in 2022, indicating that InRento did not have any late projects. 

However, 2022 is not the only year. Since its launch in 2020, the platform has not had a single late project and the total amount of funded projects has exceeded the EUR 9 million threshold. 

The numbers speak for themselves. To date, more than EUR 1.4M worth of projects have been realized and all of them have had an actual annual return higher than the one stated at the beginning of the project. 

This is the result of a disciplined and careful selection of projects, which is strongly linked to the company's values and responsible approach to investing. 

The full review by the Bank of Lithuania is available below.