

Statistics, reports and track-record of InRento

InRento in numbers

Amount funded
42,325,344 EUR
Average investment return p.a.
Late projects
Average number of investors per project
175 investors
Number of active investors

Fully realized projects

Investments offered by InRento are different to most alternative, because interest on InRento is indexed by inflation or has capital gains. These two elements enable investors to hedge better against inflation and generate higher investment return in periods when inflation rate is high.

Fully realized projects
5,187,845 EUR
Average annual return

Investments funded

Total amount funded
Amount funded by month

Investors` profit

Total interest paid
Interest paid by month

InRento projects funded

Loan portfolio

Our loan portfolio shows great historic stability and steady growth, while the default and late payments rates remain industry-leading.

Funded 42M
Repaid 7M
Late 0M
In default 0M
Capital lost 0M
Property types

This graph shows the property types as a proportion of the total.

Residential 35.2M
Commercial 2.1M
Medical 0.3M
Hotel 4.4M
Other 0M
Definition of late

The project owner is more than 14 days past due on an interest payment or a payment of partial or full principal return for a specific loan payout stage if applicable. The late payment interest rate is being calculated from the first overdue day.

Definition of default

The project owner is more than 90 days past due on a material credit obligation, notwithstanding whether it's an interest or principal payment or in situations where UAB InRento considers that the project owner is unlikely to pay in full or otherwise default on its credit obligations in relation to the relevant loan without taking certain actions, such as the realisation of collateral. The late payment interest rate is being calculated from the first overdue day and material credit obligation is considered EUR 20,000 or more. The following elements are considered indications of probability of default:
a) A distressed restructuring of the credit obligation related to the loan concerned has occurred where this is likely to result in a diminished financial obligation caused by the material forgiveness, or postponement, of principal, interest or, where relevant, fees. A distressed restructuring shall be considered to have occurred where concessions have been extended towards a project owner facing or about to face difficulties in meeting its financial commitments.;
b) the project owner has applied for, or has been placed in, bankruptcy or similar protection, where this would avoid or delay repayment to investors of a credit obligation related to the loan concerned. Where the credit agreement explicitly allows the project owner to change the payment schedule, or to suspend or postpone the payments under certain conditions, and where the project owner acts within the rights granted in that credit agreement, the changed, suspended or postponed payments shall not be considered past due, but the counting of days past due shall be based on the new payment schedule once it is specified. Crowdfunding service providers shall nonetheless analyse the reasons for such changes in the payment schedule, or the suspension or postponement of the payments, and assess the possibility of unlikeliness to pay as referred to above.
UAB InRento shall inform investors in case of default of a loan without delay via email.

Defaulted loans
No. of defaults
Actual default rate
0% | 0 / 190
Predicted default rate
0% | 0 / 190
Risk RatingsABCD
Number of defaults0000
Actual rate of default0% | 0 / 110% | 0 / 1610% | 0 / 140% | 0 / 0
Predicted default rate0% | 0 / 110% | 0 / 1610% | 0 / 140% | 0 / 0
Methodology for the calculation of the actual default rate of loans by risk category

In accordance with Article 20(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503, for the purposes of disclosing the information referred to above, InRento shall calculate the simple average of the one-year default rate over the entire historical observation period using non-overlapping 12-month observation windows.
In calculating the above one-year default rate, InRento shall ensure that all of the following conditions are met:
a) the denominator shall consist of the number of defaulted loans monitored at the beginning of the 12-month observation window;
b) the numerator shall include all loans included in the denominator that have been subject to at least one default event during the 12-month monitoring interval.
Loans that are not scheduled for payment during the 12-month observation period shall not be included in the dataset used to calculate the default rate for that period.
InRento UAB bases the calculation of the actual default rate on actual loan default rates using internal data. The historical data observation period is the historical data for all loans granted by InRento UAB.
When publishing actual default rates for all loans in accordance with Article 20(1)(b)(i) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503, InRento shall use non-overlapping 12-month observation intervals, calculate arithmetic averages of the one-year default rates observed over the entire preceding observation period by risk category.
In calculating the one-year default rate by risk category, InRento shall ensure that all the following conditions are met:
a) the denominator shall consist of the number of defaulted loans monitored at the beginning of the 12-month observation period for the risk category for which the default rate is calculated;
b) the numerator shall include all loans included in the denominator that have experienced at least one default during the 12-month monitoring period.
For the purposes of paragraph 2, loans that are not scheduled for payment during the 12-month observation period shall not be included in the data set used to calculate the default rate for that period.

Methodology for the calculation of the expected default rate of loans by risk category

When publishing expected default rates for all loans in accordance with Article 20(1)(b)(i) of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503, InRento UAB shall base its estimates of expected default rates by risk category on actual default rates by risk category calculated in accordance with Article 3.
For the purposes of paragraph 1, and regardless of whether InRento uses internal data for the estimation of the expected default rate, the duration of the observation period for the historical data shall be the historical data for all loans issued by InRento.

Annual reports

InRento is licensed and regulated financial institution, which commits itself to highest transparency and operational standards. Here when you are logged in and verified, you can find audited annual financial accounts of InRento.